Tofu Mix Arek Suroboyo, Indonesia

06.33 0 Comments

Dish out the spicy bite of this intervention could be a balm to miss culinary Surabaya. Pieces of fried tofu, lettuce, meat, and bean sprouts doused hot and spicy sauce can make collecting taste. Do not forget to taste the well know thek and know their eggs are sedep poll!

I have long mendpaat recommendation stall out a nice mix and must try this. Well, because lately I always pictured know cmapur, salad and soup cingur Ambengan be then that afternoon I sambangi this stall.

This location is commonly called a row of Warten Trakindo, because of its location right in front of the existing building at the intersection Trakindo Cilandak. There are dozens of stalls lined tent, ranging from pecel catfish, fried rice, porridge, including tofu mix. Tent shop knows this interference only here. So it is not difficult to find.

This simple tent contains a long wooden table-shaped 'U' that there is a barrier adjoining the mix out of it. Although fairly simple shop, but visitors who come continue to flow. In fact I have a little patience to sit. Not a few are also people who buy know intervene to take home.

A servant who came directly take the order. Know of it, knew thek and also knows eggs directly booked for the three of us. A father of a little fat-bodied flavor meracikkan know deftly mixed. No need to wait a long time, serving out intervene immediately ready to eat.

It contained quite complete, ranging from pieces of fried tofu, yellow noodles, bean sprouts, sliced ​​lettuce, rice cake, and j Lento aka cassava cakes. Savory him gently, as well as lentonya. Pieces of this soft chewy rice cake is more delicious eaten with a brown gravy with a strong sense of paste.

It turns out, knew gravy mix has a great spicy flavor accent! So if you do not like the taste spicy bite, you should tell the seller that meraciknya to reduced sauces. Broth knows this interference is flavored gravy which is quite generous with the onions brown color. Strong and delicious flavor blends perfectly with the tender meat infused with flavor.

If you know the mix is ​​served with a sauce, tofu and tofu egg thek slightly different. Blackish brown peanut sauce poured over it so that the section covering the entire surface. To know the eggs, cut out of white scrambled together with eggs and eaten along with rice cake pieces.

While knew thek, consisting of pieces of fried tofu, rice cake, bean sprouts and a sprinkling of cambah. Not to forget the peanut sauce that was so wrapped shrimp paste topping. Thek know it feels like eggs and tofu, peanut sauce spicy bite, shrimp paste was tasty-tasty, very tasty. Oops, uenake poll!

Ah, the three typical Surabaya food was really so healers will miss my hometown. To know the mix and a serving of eggs I know enough to pay Rp 11,000 one portion. As for know thek Rp 10,000. Hmm .. not quite cheap when compared to fly to Surabaya? Come stop by rek, mixed grammar disik

Rujak Soto Warisan Kuliner Nusantara

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.